

Syed Ali!

I’m an online business coach, entrepreneur, social media and marketing strategist. I help aspiring entrepreneurs build their dream coaching business using social media minus the BS sales tactics.

My coaching method comes from experience. Over the years I worked with a handful of amazing coaches and mentors. I absorbed all the various strategies and methods and created a more clear and concise method of my own. All that knowledge I've compiled into my premium program The Social Media BOSSNINJA Academy.

Having the right foundations to get you started will allow you to get the results you need much sooner than later. And trust me, I learned the hard way, when I started a few years back trying to figure out things all on my own.

From that point on I made it my mission and goal to limit the number of entrepreneurs experiencing the same frustrating and stressful beginning. I want everyone to recognize and experience the success they are looking for and I'm here to tell you, you can and you will!

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